Our AGM was held on 11th February, and all members should have received a copy of the minutes, sent out by our secretary. There have been some changes to the published programme, which have been highlighted, and this site has now been updated to reflect the latest information. If you a paid-up member and have not received this email, please contact our secretary
There will be an Open Morning at our MDR Garden on Friday, 6 March, between 10 and 11:30 am. If you haven’t yet seen the garden, or are thinking of offering to help maintain it, this is an ideal opportunity as there will be will be volunteers available to show you round and answer any of your questions. If you would like directions to the garden, then please contact our secretary
Also, would you be able to help with laying some gravel at the Maison de Retraite on the morning of Friday 13th March? If you could help out, please contact Julia Barton
If you were not able to come to our AGM, you can view our President’s report, which highlights the many different activities enjoyed by club members last year, and looks ahead to what we will be doing this year. The presentation also includes a copy of the Treasurer’s Report. You can view or download the presentation on Dropbox by following this link.