February meeting
Our next meeting will be our Annual General Meeting, which will be on Tuesday 12 February 2019, at our usual time of 2pm, in the Tournesol Room at the Salle des Fêtes in Lauzerte.
In addition to the President’s Report and Financial Report, we will be electing the members of the Administrative Group for the next 2 years. It’s not too late to volunteer to join us, if you would like to help out with some of the tasks behind the scenes that help keep the club vibrant and successful.
You will have received the papers from our secretary Pam, which includes a subscription form so that you can renew your membership.
Following the business of the AGM, we will be showing some of an inspiring film about the Lost Gardens of Heligan, in Cornwall – a place I would love to go and visit.
Of course, it is our official birthday! So we will be celebrating with tea and cake.
I hope to see lots of you there.

To Do this Month
Encouraging signs of life, with bulbs poking through, and now the first irises and snowdrops in flower – welcome nectar for any bees that come out foraging in the sunshine. If you have large clumps of snowdrops, it is good to divide them and plant new groups ‘in the green’, as they finish flowering.
This month is when work really starts again in the garden, pruning and trimming and tidying – but more cold weather is in the forecast, so tender plants still need protection.
Now is a great time to start sowing some seeds, especially if you have a heated propagator or soil-warming cables and a good light place for them to grow on. I generally start chillies and some tomatoes at about this time, and flowers such as impatiens and petunias.
For more suggestions of what to do in the garden this month, I usually check out the Gardeners World site.

I also use the guide “Jardinez avec la Lune”, which helps me organize my time and if it gives me a little added advantage by being in tune with the Moon, I am all for it. You can get a book from Gamm Vert, or see their monthly summary online.
January meeting recap
Our January meeting included a fun picture quiz, set by Fiona. It was great to see how much knowledge everyone had to share and it was a good way to get to know each other too.

There were 6 different sets of photos to identify, and 5 teams.

We had a fantastic selection of nibbles to enjoy afterwards, thanks so much to everyone who brought something.

Yes, those are watering cans that Fiona is wearing! Aren’t they cute?
Thank you so much to everyone for the help given to get the room set up and cleared away afterwards, a fantastic team effort.